
MON - FRI: 08:00 - 05:00 PM

Best of Houzz 2020: Colors of Design Group

The annual Best of Houzz awards recognize the top-rated home pros and most popular designs on Houzz by category and area across the country and around the world. Colors of Design Group has been awarded this fantastic recognition in 2020.

Best of Houzz 2020 | Colors of Design | Professional Interior Design. Unique Environment. Modern Design. Architecture Design

We have been chosen by the millions of homeowners that comprise the Houzz community from among more than 2.5 million active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals.

Our professionalism and originality are the pillars of our work. As a team we feel enormous happiness for this great recognition deserved.

Colors of Design Group Awarded Best of Houzz
Best of Houzz 2020 Interiors by Colors of Design Group Miami FL

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